When I was told to SLOW DOWN I didn't understand it 😒

Firstly, my name is Etim, founder of Exkluse Media. Thanks in advance for reading my first article for Exkluse Media!

I’m quite an infrequent tweeter. But this tweet got a few likes so I thought you may want to know some context behind it.

The back story.

During covid I became extremely worried about the state of my business, like many business owners the uncertainty of the infamous ‘lockdowns’ really had me in a bit of a panic.

Like most of us, the Economy shutting down spelled disaster. And for me, I was caught with pants down to my ankles. My income came to a halt. Plans for Exkluse Media’s future disintegrated. I had to give up my office. As well as being diagnosed with acute stress due to work.

One day at a time, my mind began to spiral out of control. I was making horrific decisions! Such as upgrading our office thinking that ‘out the blue ’I can devise a master pivot’. This failed. and my pride got in the way. After choosing to undertake a range of therapy sessions and spend time listening to my loved ones, I realised it was best to slow down.

To be honest, I feel quite embarrassed thinking about it. But, as I’ve come to realise, it’s okay to make mistakes and accept feedback and correction when you are making a string of bad decisions. As they say, no man is an island.


I am now operating at a more measured speed. I’m enjoying being able to take time to establish my thoughts and plans, waiting for signs that confirm my desires in business and with Exkluse Media. Like I say in my tweet ‘I’m aiming to knock down the right doors at the right speed’.

Key lessons

  1. It’s more important to be going in the right direction than anywhere fast

  2. The joy in patience is that you are able to move your chess pieces with clarity. Clarity is peace. Peace is joy.

  3. Listening to people with your best interest at heart is paramount to sustainable evolution in your career and personal life.

Well, that’s the end of my first article. Thanks again of reading!

I post random things like the above one twitter @etim__ee from time to time so feel free to follow me and reach out if you want me to expand on any other tweets… I’m happy to serve you.

Peace, love and blessings. & don’t forget to create your perfect and #keepitexkluse.


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